Louis K. Meisel on Anthony Brunelli

"Park Diner", 1992, oil on canvas, 36 x 84 inches

"Park Diner", 1992, oil on canvas, 36 x 84 inches

One day early in 1993, Susan was sitting at the front desk when a young redheaded guy came in. She watched as he tentatively browsed around the gallery, frequently glancing her way. She said to herself, “That is a young artist trying to get up the nerve to approach us to show his work.” After about 10 minutes, she went over to him and asked if he was in fact an artist who was seeking representation. He gratefully acknowledged… “YES”.

Susan then said she would be happy to look at his slides……and he quickly handed her over the slides he had prepared.

Since we opened, Susan and I have always been available personally to look at work by any artist approaching us. I was in my office at the time, and Susan came in and said, “You should come on out and see some paintings a young (23 years old) artist just brought in.”

IF I am going to take on and represent an artist, the process can take a year or two, with a few paintings to start. I need to look at the work, get to know and understand the artist, and see what other artists in the gallery and our collectors have to say. For Tony Brunelli, there was only a half an hour of looking and talking before I said, “You are in. Bring your paintings in!”

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Source: http://blog.meiselgallery.com